Preparation and purification of water in industry includes various stages during which the liquid substance is processed in a multitude of spheres necessary to ensure the life and activity of mankind. The list of equipment that is used in this case depends on where the treated liquid will be used.
What is the purpose of industrial water treatment?
The main goal of this process is to obtain water of the required level of quality. For the needs of the food industry, water is seriously disinfected to avoid ingress of various impurities in the human body, which are dangerous for its health. The production needs to clean the water to prevent corrosion and scale on the heating elements.

Stages of industrial water treatment

The stages of carrying out this process depend on the parameters of the water in its original form. Moreover, the necessity of execution of many such stages is stipulated by the norms in the relevant documents.
Industrial water treatment can consist of the following stages:
  • Clarity.
  • Elimination of fatty impurities.
  • Softening.
  • Removal of gas substances or their manifestations (degassing).
  • Distillation.


For the stage of water clarification, devices are used in which it is settled and filtered. Purification with colloid-containing reagents is carried out for these purposes.
To remove the residues of organic and salt compounds that affect the change in taste and color of water, it is subjected to processes of deodorization and discoloration.
The main elements that cause the appearance of a corrosive coating on the pipes of the water pipe are iron and manganese. To remove them using various modern methods, there is such a stage of water purification as deferrization.
The most commonly used for water softening is a combination of phosphate and calc-soda methods. With the help of such a tandem, it is possible to remove magnesium and calcium compounds, on the basis of which a very important water quality depends - its rigidity.
Desorption is the purification of water from gases dissolved in it, which can appear as a result of previous steps or by natural means. For this process, it is necessary to observe a zero level of partial pressure.
Reducing the alkali content of hydrocarbonates in water can be achieved by liming it with a slaked suspension. The remaining sediment, containing impurities of iron, salts, acids and not only, is removed by filtration.
Disinfection, which consists of several stages of purification and disinfection of liquid from dangerous microorganisms and bacteria, is necessary when using water for drinking and technical purposes in the pharmacology and food industry.
Correct the level of acidity of water in order to protect equipment and communications.

Required water quality indicators

Water quality is characterized by the following main indicators:

  • rigidity;
  • Concentration of salts (several mg / l);
  • Acidity level (4-8 pH).

The ideal stiffness indicator is water in which there is no slurry, but this is very difficult to achieve, therefore the maximum permissible concentration in water is 2.6 per SI.

It is also necessary to monitor the level of such substances: nitrates (60 mg / l), oxygen (not more than 7 mg / l), sulfates (40 mg / l), and dry residue (not more than 1000 mg / l).

The chemical industry uses in its work a device for distilling water (distiller), necessary for experiments with the help of fully purified reagents. Production is less whimsical with respect to water disinfection. The only exception is the instruments, in which water is used that is comparable in quality with drinking water. These are swimming pools, air conditioners, various types of sprayers.


What equipment is used in the process of industrial water treatment?

The list of equipment that is used in this process includes:

  • Filters and sedimentation tanks.
  • Columns for aeration.
  • Equipment for the mitigation phase.
  • Household devices for filtering.
  • Systems of superfiltration and deep water purification (reverse osmosis).


For the clarification process, filters and settling tanks are used, which in our time are inferior to the palm tree of already more modern devices, but their effectiveness does not decrease from this. Most often used sedimentation tanks, the main element of which is a centrifuge. Filters are made in the form of gratings or granular material. The price of such equipment is mediocre.

The cost of a column for purifying water from iron ions that react with oxygen is very significant. But they have good performance characteristics, so that material costs will necessarily pay off.

As for the equipment for softening and cleaning from salt compounds, it includes filters filled with activated carbon and not only. One of the most widely used methods of salt removal is considered to be a method of running water through the connections of active resins.

In everyday life, receiving water for drinking, use filters of simple design. Buy such a filter will not be very difficult.

The most expensive are superfiltration and reverse osmosis systems for industrial water treatment. They give the maximum result when using them.

What is the benefit of industrial water treatment?

You can get quite a lot of financial benefit, if you carry out the correct selection and installation of equipment necessary for this process. This is achieved through the presence of the following positive aspects of the use of industrial water treatment:

  • High heat output;
  • Minimum percentage of interruptions in production;
  • Increased wear characteristics of the devices used;
  • Minimum costs for ensuring the operation of equipment and communications.


What criteria should be followed when choosing equipment suppliers?

If you are faced with the issue of choosing a supplier of equipment, then you need to be guided by the following criteria:

The quality of the products offered.
Positive feedback on the use of equipment.
Currently, suppliers offer a wide range of equipment for obtaining clean water with minimal financial investment. With the help of the latest water treatment systems, it is possible to bring sanitary and technical indicators that are very dirty in the original form to water.

Pay attention to the possibility of signing a service contract with the supplier. After all, each device has its own service life, and, therefore, there is a need for constant maintenance. This should only be handled by qualified personnel. The advantage of this service is also the identification of inspectors who need to replace parts of the installation, and most importantly, a small price for services. You will also be provided with the delivery service of the necessary component for your installation, in the event of emergency situations associated with the failure of the entire system.